Learning Centers » Water


Dive into the Water Learning Center for a Splash-tastic Adventure! 

Get ready to make a splash with hands-on activities that'll have your students soaking up the wonders of our most valuable resource!

From uncovering the power of water to discovering its buoyancy secrets, this center is bubbling with engaging activities that'll make waves in their understanding! They'll sail through lessons on transportation, harnessing the power of water, household uses, & even get a glimpse into aquatic life's world – it's the ultimate aquatic exploration!

But wait, the fun doesn't stop there! The highlight of this watery wonderland is our epic water table, stretching across the room for endless adventures!  Plus, students will have a whale of a time observing various aquatic critters up close and personal!

So, grab your snorkels and let's make a splash in the Water Learning Center!