Learning Centers » Plants & Animals

Plants & Animals

Step into a world full of  life & greenery, where curiosity blooms & adventure awaits! 

Here, children embark on an agriculturally rich journey through the fascinating realms of plants & animals.

In this enchanted space, little explorers become caretakers of a thriving hydroponics garden, nurturing greenery and uncovering the secrets of plant anatomy and function.  Meanwhile, they delve into the wild wonders of animals, peeking into habitats and uncovering their basic needs, all while comparing and contrasting the marvelous diversity of the living kingdom.

But wait, there's more!  Our centerpiece? A hollowed-out tree bursting with surprises!  Step inside and discover a world of wonder as you explore the inner workings of a tree. With its lab-like setup, children embark on a journey of discovery, conducting age-appropriate science experiments, and unlocking the mysteries of the forest floor!

Let's nurture curiosity, spark imagination, and dive into the incredible world of plants and animals together!