Digital Instruction » Energy


Click the tabs below to access editable, digital templates to use in your classroom.  All resources are organized by topic and tied to the TEKS and PreK guidelines.  Please note the "Instructions" tab should you need guidance in utilizing the templates.  Happy learning!

Exploring Electric Energy & Conservation...

PreK Guidelines:

Kindergarten TEKS:

Grade 1 TEKS:  

VI.C.4:  Child demonstrates the importance of caring for our environment and our planet.
K.1A:  Ask questions and define problems based on observations or information from text, phenomena, models, or investigations.
1.11C:  Describe ways to conserve water such
as turning off the faucet when brushing teeth and protect natural sources of water such as keeping trash out of bodies of water.

PreK Objectives:

Kindergarten Objectives:

First Grade Objectives:  

The learner will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of caring for the planet and environment.  
The learner will investigate the effect of conservation and offer solutions to problems.  
The learner will describe ways to conserve water.

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Introduction:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Instruction:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Application:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Assessment:  

PreK/ K/ 1 Student Concept Lesson Template:

Exploring Energy: Heat/ Thermal, Light & Sound...

PreK Guidelines:

Kindergarten TEKS:

Grade 1 TEKS:  

V.I.A.3:  Child uses simple measuring devices to learn about objects.
VI.A.4:  Child observes, investigates, describes, and discusses sources of energy including light, heat, and electricity.  
K.5E:  Identify forms of energy and properties of matter.   1:5E:  Identify forms of energy and properties of matter. 

PreK Objectives:

Kindergarten Objectives:

First Grade Objectives:  

The learner will use simple measuring devices to describe and discuss sources various sources of energy.
The learner will use their senses to explore various forms of energy that occur in their everyday life.  
The learner will use their senses to explore various forms of energy that occur in their everyday life.  

PreK/ K/1 Concept Introduction:

PreK/ K/1 Concept Instruction:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Application:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Assessment:  

Energy Assessment:  Create Your Own Energy Book

PreK/ K/ 1 Student Concept Lesson Template:

Exploring Using Your Senses to Identify Different Energy...

PreK Guidelines:

Kindergarten TEKS:

Grade 1 TEKS: 

VI.A.4:  Child observes, investigates, describes, and discusses sources of energy including light, heat, and electricity. 
VI.A.1  Child observes, investigates, describes, and discusses properties and characteristics of common objects.
K.5E:  Identify forms of energy and properties of matter.  
1.5E:  Identify forms of energy and properties of matter.  

PreK Objectives:

Kindergarten Objectives:

Grade 1 Objectives: 

The learner will observe, investigate, discuss and describe the properties and characteristics of various sources of energy.
The learner will use their senses to identify properties of various forms of energy.
The learner will use their senses to explore various forms of energy that occur in their everyday life.  

PreK/ K/1 Concept Introduction:

PreK/ K/1 Concept Instruction:

PreK/ K/1 Concept Application:

PreK/ K/ 1 Concept Assessment:  

PreK/ K/1 Student Concept Lesson Template: